Hear From an Au Pair: How to Meet People During your Au Pair Year

One of my main concerns when I was thinking about becoming an au pair was “How would I meet new people?” It turned out to be much easier than I thought. Below are four ways I met people in the Netherlands and ways you can make new friends as well!

1. Get to Know Other Girls at Our Agency

My fear about meeting people in the Netherlands was calmed almost instantly as I arrived at my HBN community. At first I was just fascinated by how many people who were so different from me ended up in the same place and time starting this new experience! And what I found out was that we were not that different at all, as we shared a common interest; our love for kids, adventures, travel and our enthusiasm to become independent world citizens by deciding to leave our homes for a whole year to experiment and learn another culture.

2. Take Part in Local Au Pair Events

Once you arrive at your host family’s home, HBN will reach out to you. They will help you meet other au pairs in your neighborhood. They will look for other Au pairs in your area, or an ambassador to connect with you. Also, in many areas with a large amount of Au pairs it is not unusual to find a casual weekly coffee night organized by the Au pairs themselves. Attend HBN events. They are fun, and a great way to integrate yourself into the community.

3. Take Part in Free Community Events

In addition to learning something new and developing your skills, the courses such as language and 1st aid courses you can take during your program are a great opportunity to meet more people. But don’t stop at your required classes. Libraries and community centers are other good places to meet people while you learn. Lots of places organize short one-day courses and activities such as movie nights, creative writing workshops and many other community events created for public enjoyment and education.

4. Be Social All Around Town

Dutch people can be friendly and open people so don’t be surprised if somebody starts a conversation with you in a park while taking care of the kids, waiting in the bus stop or even in line in the supermarket. Take these opportunities! You could meet other Au pairs, nannies or parents who could become friends.

-Kerol was formerly an Au pair with HBN. She’s from Brazil and had an amazing program year in Bloemendaal, 2021.

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